Saturday, January 2, 2016

XVII - The Inter-class Public Speaking Competition

"The cult of celebrities and fantasies... a Filipino obsession?" A question that served as the main theme of the inter-class public speaking competition that took place at the Asia Pacific College Auditorium on December 21, 2015. This was the first day of the culminating activity of our English term. Inter-class public speaking competitions are held at the end of every English term. Six students from each SOM block will compete and represent their section; three from all the participants will have the chance to win a medal and a certificate.

An elimination round was conducted first since there were at least 30 students competing. The students were divided and were put in different classrooms for the round. While they were away, some students who weren't included in the competition were left in the auditorium. To kill the time, the host together with APC Speaks conducted different activities and games. There were really a lot, but I could say they were rather entertaining.

As the participants entered the auditorium one by one after an hour, each section asked their representatives on how the competition went and if they were selected. Then the finalists were announced and it was finally time for the finals. From six representatives, our representatives narrowed down to three: Gracielle Sitjar, Bianca Gonzales, and Adonicole Palma. I was disappointed that some of our representatives didn't made it when I really liked the content of some of their speeches. 

The winners were announce the following day at the awarding portion of the second day of our culminating day.

The second runner up place went to Jan Michael Mil from TM. 

The first runner up place went to Eno Mejico from MA. Her delivery of her speech was really good that I remembered how she related her love life to the telenovelas and dramas on TV. 

Hats off to the inter-class public speaking competition champion, from our block, Gracielle Sitjar! The way she delivered her speech was very emotional. She related her painful experiences of being a child in a dysfunctional family. Honestly, I never really thought that she will win. She said that her speech was rushed and she still haven't memorized the entirety of it on the morning of the competition.

Kudos to all of the competitors for conquering their fear of public speaking and defying the odds. All of their speeches took a lot of effort and preparing, and they were wonderful for it. Now, I guess all of us in the AC151 will surely have a high grade for the incentives.


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