Friday, October 30, 2015

X - White Smokes, Dark Lives

Some people smoke for their own pleasure. Some for satisfying their addiction. Some for relaxation. Some for relieving stress and problems. And some for a "slow death." The number of people who are consuming nicotine and tobacco keeps on increasing yet these people still don't know the consequences and dangers of smoking. This is also one of the problems the youth is facing today.

Increasing attention has been devoted to publicizing the dangers of second-hand (environmental) smoke, the association between tobacco marketing and initiation of smoking among youth, and the development of strategies and medications to help smokers quit. That is why Asia Pacific College created an anti-smoking campaign to solve this problem. But is this really gonna help those who smoke? Of course not. They wouldn't even care or know about it. It's because it's already an addiction. Once you take a few puffs, it will soon become a habit. Then you will never stop.

 Honestly, I don't judge people who smoke. It's their choice and their life. They should know what will happen after they make these choices. I have seen a lot of students smoking outside the school and they seem kind of happy and enjoying the moment. BUT this does not mean that you should smoke. You still shouldn't think that smoking is going to make you "cool" and to be in with your peers. A lot of young adults smoke for gaining attention. Sometimes it also relates to depression and suicide. They believe that it is through smoking that they find peace and relaxation. They solely think it keeps their nerves calm.

Campaigns and slogans wouldn't really help someone to quit smoking. It is their own selves who can help their addiction and problems. Quitting smoking isn't easy as it sounds. Their emotions tend to build up. Avoiding lighting a cigarette can help a lot. It takes quite a long time to overcome it, but it's gonna be worth. Doing other ways and things to release your stress upon would distract you from thinking about smoking.

"No man is an island." Seeking help can make fighting smoking better. Talking to a friend or a family member or a counselor can help you a lot. You can trust them in conquering your fears and problems. If you put much effort to solve this, then you can successfully end your addiction and will make you a better person.


  1. Love the title of your blogpost, really an attention getter. Well, your last paragraph really tells everything. It's not yet too late to quit smoking and no man is an island therefore we can find someone out there who are willing to listen to us.
    Hope to read more blogs like these from you in the future! :)

  2. That is true. We shouldn't judge people according to what we see on them, but rather, we need to go beyond what they really are or what they feel. At the same time, if we knew their actions will not really benefit them at the end of the day, we should be their way for the better change.
